How can I minimize herpes outbreaks?
2 mins read

How can I minimize herpes outbreaks?

Question: I am infected with both HSV – 1 and HSV – 2. The outbreaks occur very frequently, often one after another. I experience an outbreak for 3 weeks and no sex with my boyfriend, then one week of no outbreak and there comes another one. I used to take Valtrex earlier but as it counteracted with another medication, my doctor advised me to discontinue it. Can you give me any suggestions on how to really minimize these outbreaks? I’m having a tough time dealing with all this and my love life has been seriously affected.

Answer: Firstly, it is important that you’re sure about whether or not you’re infected with genital herpes. Secondly, be sure about the fact that the symptoms you’re experiencing are because of the HSV. It is important that you understand that not everything that happens in the genitilia is due to herpes.

You might consider getting a swab test done to be certain that those are herpes lesions. We would also like you to ask your pharmacist about alternative suppressive drugs such as famcyclovir that you may respond well to it. In addition, this antiviral drug has no side effects. It is an FDA – approved drug that is proven to be effective for both episodic and suppressive therapies.

Herpes dating site

You did not mention for how long you’ve been infected with herpes. We would like to mention that severity and frequency of herpes outbreaks minimizes with time. Note that steroidal medications may also aggravate recurrences of herpes symptoms. The frequency of these outbreaks can be managed through appropriate changes in lifestyle.

You could consider joining an informative site such as and connect with dating experts, counselors and like – minded people that can provide a great deal of support and help you overcome the symptoms of the infection.

