Are You Making These Mistakes on Your Herpes Dating Profile?
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Are You Making These Mistakes on Your Herpes Dating Profile?

The world has undergone significant changes in the last couple of decades. Today, people can find everything from cars and electronic gadgets to homes and life partners online. Reports indicate that the online dating industry generates revenue of over $1.5 billion per annum.

Herpes dating sites have been doing a splendid job of helping people living with herpes connect with like-minded people from all over the world. Before reaching out to the potential partner, ensure you’re taking the right path to guarantee success. Avoiding missteps would ensure you find the right person without facing any issues, land a date, and eventually grow old with them.

Your journey to online herpes dating starts with creating a unique profile that would convey your message clearly and reveal your traits. Here are a few mistakes you should avoid on your herpes dating profile:

Saying things that mean absolutely nothing

Using words like ‘fun’, ‘intelligent’, and ‘caring’ in your profile looks good, but more is needed to establish how you’re different from others and what you have in common with another member. Saying that you’re different from others isn’t enough, and you’d have to prove it by providing specific information.

The best way to stand out is to give specific information about your personality and interests. This way, the other user would find it easier to find common ground and, therefore, have a reason to message you back.

Example of a great herpes dating profile description: “I like to stay active outside of work. I like trekking and rock climbing and practice yoga occasionally. I am athletic and play soccer, badminton, and table tennis. During the weekends, I also visit the local swimming center.”

Telling your sob story

This is a sure way of killing all the excitement. Including a sob story as part of the herpes dating profile would show that you aren’t ready to move on. Oversharing is the worst thing you could be doing, and making a comeback from this is extremely difficult. People would feel bad initially, but it would make them wonder if you’re prepared for a new relationship after everything that has happened to you.

Everyone has baggage, but your profile on a herpes dating site shouldn’t give another member a reason to doubt your intentions. It would also provide an impression that you’re very insecure, and why would someone want to date an insecure person?

Being a douche

Using your online herpes dating profile as a list of requirements for your partner isn’t helpful. A long list of requirements will certainly discourage other members from contacting you. Women may feel they can never meet your standards. However, it’s okay to describe what you’re looking for, but there’s a right way to do it.

It’s advised to focus on personality traits and common interests critical to you. For instance, if you say, “No fatties,” it might mean you are seeking a companion with an active and healthy lifestyle. If this is what you’re looking for, ensure your profile description hits the mark. Mention your weekend trekking and mountain climbing trips. This will attract women with similar mindsets and bodies.

Ignoring spelling and grammar

Having a perfect herpes dating profile is essential if you’re looking to find an ideal match. Some people are so excited about completing their dating profile that they forget to check for grammar and spelling errors. This is a huge mistake!

While an occasional typo can be overlooked, many mistakes ruin the first impression. Furthermore, a profile with tones of spelling and grammatical errors gives the impression that the person needs to be more careful and more serious about finding the perfect partner online.

Before sending a message or making your profile live, take a minute to re-read what you’ve written. You may also use a spell–check tool to discover all the errors you’ve made.

Making an awesome profile on a herpes dating site isn’t very tough. All you need to do is stick to the basics and focus on telling more about who you are instead of focusing on what you’re looking for in a prospective companion.

Herpes dating site
